TOGAF ADM各階段步驟的輸入與產出
- Phase A: Vision
- Phase B- D: BDAT
- Phase E, F: Planning
- Phase G : Implementation
- Phase H: Change Management
Center : Requirement Management
contractually specified and in turn formally reviewed, agreed, and signed off by the stakeholder.
ABB example: ability to lookup a customer’s information.
SBB example: CRM , Customer search model.
Preliminary Phase(準備階段)
- The Purpose is to “define” the architecture capability desired including architecture principles.
- Where/What/Why/Who, and how we do architecture.
- Scope the enterprise organizations impacted
- Confirm governance and support
- Define and establish architecture team
- Identify and establish architecture principles
- Tailor TOGAF and other frameworks
- Implement architecture tools
Outputs (Inputs of Phase A)
- Organizational Model for Enterprise Architecture
- Tailored Architecture Framework
- Initial Architecture Repo
- Business principles, business goals, and business drivers
- Request for Architecture work(optional)
- Architecture Governance Framework
Phase A: Architecture Vision
The Purpose is to “develop” a high level aspirational vision of the business value to be delivered and “obtain approval for a statement of Architecture work”.
- Establish Architecture project
- Identify stakeholders, concern, and business requirements
- Confirm business goals, drivers and constraints
- Evaluate capabilities
- Assess readiness for transformation
- Define scope
- Confirm Architecture principles, including business principles
- Develop Architecture vision
- Define the target architecture value and KPIs
- Identify transformation risks and mitigation activities
- Develop statement of Architecture work, secure approval
- Approved statement of Architecture work
- Refined statement of business principles, goal and drivers
- Architecture principles
- Capability assessment
- Tailored Architecture framework
- Architecture Vision
- Draft Architecture definition document
- Communication plan
- Additional content in the Architecture Repo
Artifacts produced / Matrices(Stakeholder map matrix)
Diagrams: Business model Diagram/Business capability map/Value stream/ Value chain diagram/ solution content diagram
Phase B: Business Architecture
The purpose is to :
- Develop the target business architecture
- Identify candidate Architecture Roadmap items based on gaps
- Select reference models, viewpoints, and tools
- Develop baseline business architecture description
- Develop target business architecture description
- Perform Gap analysis
- Define Candidate roadmap components
- Resolve impacts across the Architecture landscape
- Conduct formal stakeholder review
- Finalize business architecture
- Create architecture definition document
- Refined Phase A deliverable
- Draft Architecture definition document
a — Baseline business architecture
b — Target business architecture - Draft Architecture requirement specification: Gap Analysis
- Business architecture components of Architecture roadmap
Phase C: Information System Architecture
For Data and Application Architecture of B.D.A.T .
2 phase in 1:
Define DATA and Application Architecture
The purpose is to :
- Develop the Target information system architecture
- Identify candidate architecture roadmap items based on gaps
Phase C — Data Architecture
The purpose is to:
- Develop the DATA target architecture
- Candidates architecture roadmap item based on gaps
- External reference materials
- Request for architecture work(optional)(preliminary phase)
- Capability assessment(Phase A)
- Communication plan(Phase A)
- Organization model for EA (preliminary phase)
- Tailored Architecture framework(preliminary phase)
- Data Principles(TOGAF Specification Chapter 20)
- Approved statement of Architecture work(Phase A)
- Architecture vision(Phase A)
- Architecture Repo
- Draft Architecture documents and draft requirements(Phase B)
- Business related Architecture roadmap(Phase B)
- Select reference models, viewpoints, and tools
- Develop baseline DATA architecture description
- Develop target DATA architecture description
- Perform Gap analysis
- Define Candidate roadmap components
- Resolve impacts across the Architecture landscape
- Conduct formal stakeholder review
- Finalize DATA architecture
- Create architecture definition document
- Refined Phase A deliverable
- Draft Architecture definition document
a — Baseline DATA architecture, V1.0
b — Target DATA architecture, V1.0 - Draft Architecture requirement specification: Gap Analysis
- DATA architecture components of Architecture roadmap
Phase C — Application Architecture
The purpose is to:
- Develop the Application target architecture
- Candidates architecture roadmap item based on gaps
- Select reference models, viewpoints, and tools
- Develop baseline Application architecture description
- Develop target Application architecture description
- Perform Gap analysis
- Define Candidate roadmap components
- Resolve impacts across the Architecture landscape
- Conduct formal stakeholder review
- Finalize Application architecture
- Create architecture definition document
- Refined Phase A deliverable
- Draft Architecture definition document
a — Baseline Application architecture, V1.0
b — Target Application architecture, V1.0 - Draft Architecture requirement specification: Gap Analysis
- Application architecture components of Architecture roadmap
Phase D: Technology Architecture
The purpose is:
- Develop the target technology architecture
- Identify candidate architecture roadmap items based on gaps
- External reference materials
- Product information on candidate products(different with Phase B & C)
- Request for architecture work(optional)(preliminary phase)
- Capability assessment(Phase A)
- Communication plan(Phase A)
- Organization model for EA (preliminary phase)
- Tailored Architecture framework(preliminary phase)
- Data Principles(TOGAF Specification Chapter 20)
- Approved statement of Architecture work(Phase A)
- Architecture vision(Phase A)
- Architecture Repo
- Draft Architecture documents and draft requirements(Phase B)
- Business related Architecture roadmap(Phase B)
- Select reference models, viewpoints, and tools
- Develop baseline Technology architecture description
- Develop target Technology architecture description
- Perform Gap analysis
- Define Candidate roadmap components
- Resolve impacts across the Architecture landscape
- Conduct formal stakeholder review
- Finalize Technology architecture
- Create architecture definition document
- Refined Phase A deliverable
- Draft Architecture definition document
a — Baseline Technology architecture
b — Target Technology architecture - Draft Architecture requirement specification: Gap Analysis
- Technology architecture components of Architecture roadmap
Phase E: Opportunities & Solutions
The purpose is to:
- Generate the initial Architecture roadmap
- Identify if transition architecture are required
- Define SBB
- External reference materials
- Product information
- Request for architecture work(optional)(preliminary phase)
- Capability assessment(Phase A)
- Communication plan(Phase A)
- Planning methodologies
- Organization model for EA (preliminary phase)
- Tailored Architecture framework(preliminary phase)
- Approved statement of Architecture work(Phase A)
- Architecture vision(Phase A)
- Architecture Repo
- Draft Architecture documents and draft requirements(B.D.A.T)
- Change requests for existing business programs and projects
- Candidate architecture roadmap components
- Determine key corporate change attributes
- Determine business constraints
- Review and considerate gap analysis from Phase B/C/D
- Review consolidated requirements across business functions
- Consolidate and Reconcile interoperability requirement
- Refine and validate dependencies
- Confirm readiness and risk for business transformation
- Formulate implementation and migration strategy
- Identify and group major work package
- Identify transition architecture
- Create the architecture roadmap & implementation and migration plan
- Refined phase A deliverable
- Draft architecture definition document — including baseline and target V1.0
- Draft architecture requirement specification — including gap analysis
- Capability assessments
- Architecture roadmap V0.1
- Implementation and migration plan V0.1
Phase F: Migration Plan
The purpose is to:
- Finalize the architecture roadmap and migration plan
- Ensure migration plan is aligned with enterprise approach to change
- Ensure business value and business cost of work packages is understood
- External reference materials
- Request for architecture work(optional)(preliminary phase)
- Capability assessment(Phase A)
- Communication plan(Phase A)
- Governance models and frameworks
- Organization model for EA (preliminary phase)
- Tailored Architecture framework(preliminary phase)
- Approved statement of Architecture work(Phase A)
- Architecture vision(Phase A)
- Architecture Repo
- Draft Architecture documents and draft requirements(B.D.A.T)
- Change requests for existing business programs and projects
- Architecture roadmap V0.1
- Implementation and migration plan V0.1(Phase E)
- Confirm Management framework interactions
- Assign a business value to each work package
- Estimate resource requirements, projects timing, etc.
- Prioritize the migration projects
- Confirm architecture roadmap and update architecture definition document
- Generate implementation and migration plan
- Complete the architecture development cycle, lessons learned
- Implementation and migration plan, V1.0
- Finalized architecture definition document
- Finalized architecture requirements
- Finalized architecture roadmap
- Reusable architecture building blocks(ABBs)
- Requests for architecture work for next ADM cycle (if any)
- Implementation of governance model
- Change requests for architecture capability from lessons learned
Phase G: Implementation Governance
The purpose is to:
- Ensure conformance
- Perform architecture governance
- External reference materials
- Request for architecture work(optional)(preliminary phase)
- Capability assessment(Phase A)
- Organization model for EA (preliminary phase)
- Tailored Architecture framework(preliminary phase)
- Approved statement of Architecture work(Phase A)
- Architecture vision(Phase A)
- Architecture Repo
- Architecture definition documents and requirements(B.D.A.T)
- Architecture roadmap V1.0(Phase F)
- Implementation governance model
- Architecture contract
- Request for architecture work for next ADM cycle (Phase F)
- Implementation and migration plan, V1.0(Phase F)
- Confirm scope and priorities for deployment
- Identify Deployment resources and skills
- Guide development of solutions deployment
- Perform EA compliance reviews
- Implement business and IT operations
- Perform Post-implementation review and close the implementation
- Architecture contract
“ — joint agreements between development partners and sponsors on the deliverables, quality and fitness-for-purpose of an architecture”
Read chapter 43 of the TOGAF 9.2 specification
- Compliance assessments
- Change requests
- Architecture-compliant solutions deployed
Phase H: Architecture Change Management
The purpose is to:
- Maintain architecture lifecycle
- Execute architecture governance
- Maintain architecture capability
- External reference materials
- Request for architecture work(optional)(preliminary phase)
- Organization model for EA (preliminary phase)
- Tailored Architecture framework(preliminary phase)
- Approved statement of Architecture work(Phase A)
- Architecture vision(Phase A)
- Architecture Repo
- Architecture definition documents and requirements(B.D.A.T)
- Architecture roadmap (Phase F)
- Change requests — Tech/Business changes, lesson learned
- Implementation governance model
- Architecture contract(Phase G)
- Implementation and migration plan, V1.0(Phase F)
- Establish value realization process
- Deploy monitoring tools
- Manage risks
- Provide analysis for architecture chnage management
- Develop change requirements to meet performance targets
- Manage governance process
- Activate the process to implement change
- Architecture update(maintenance)
- Change to architecture framework and principle(maintenance)
- New request for architecture work (for major changes)
- Statement of architecture work(updated if necessary)
- Architecture contract(updated if necessary)
- Compliance assessments(updated if necessary)