TOGAF ADM各階段步驟的輸入與產出

  • Phase A: Vision
  • Phase B- D: BDAT
  • Phase E, F: Planning
  • Phase G : Implementation
  • Phase H: Change Management

Center : Requirement Management


contractually specified and in turn formally reviewed, agreed, and signed off by the stakeholder.

ABB example: ability to lookup a customer’s information.
SBB example: CRM , Customer search model.

Preliminary Phase(準備階段)

  • The Purpose is to “define” the architecture capability desired including architecture principles.
  • Where/What/Why/Who, and how we do architecture.


  1. Scope the enterprise organizations impacted
  2. Confirm governance and support
  3. Define and establish architecture team
  4. Identify and establish architecture principles
  5. Tailor TOGAF and other frameworks
  6. Implement architecture tools

Outputs (Inputs of Phase A)

  • Organizational Model for Enterprise Architecture
  • Tailored Architecture Framework
  • Initial Architecture Repo
  • Business principles, business goals, and business drivers
  • Request for Architecture work(optional)
  • Architecture Governance Framework

Phase A: Architecture Vision

The Purpose is to “develop” a high level aspirational vision of the business value to be delivered and “obtain approval for a statement of Architecture work”.


  1. Establish Architecture project
  2. Identify stakeholders, concern, and business requirements
  3. Confirm business goals, drivers and constraints
  4. Evaluate capabilities
  5. Assess readiness for transformation
  6. Define scope
  7. Confirm Architecture principles, including business principles
  8. Develop Architecture vision
  9. Define the target architecture value and KPIs
  10. Identify transformation risks and mitigation activities
  11. Develop statement of Architecture work, secure approval


  • Approved statement of Architecture work
  • Refined statement of business principles, goal and drivers
  • Architecture principles
  • Capability assessment
  • Tailored Architecture framework
  • Architecture Vision
  • Draft Architecture definition document
  • Communication plan
  • Additional content in the Architecture Repo


Artifacts produced / Matrices(Stakeholder map matrix)
Diagrams: Business model Diagram/Business capability map/Value stream/ Value chain diagram/ solution content diagram

Phase B: Business Architecture

The purpose is to :

  • Develop the target business architecture
  • Identify candidate Architecture Roadmap items based on gaps


  1. Select reference models, viewpoints, and tools
  2. Develop baseline business architecture description
  3. Develop target business architecture description
  4. Perform Gap analysis
  5. Define Candidate roadmap components
  6. Resolve impacts across the Architecture landscape
  7. Conduct formal stakeholder review
  8. Finalize business architecture
  9. Create architecture definition document


  • Refined Phase A deliverable
  • Draft Architecture definition document
    a — Baseline business architecture
    b — Target business architecture
  • Draft Architecture requirement specification: Gap Analysis
  • Business architecture components of Architecture roadmap

Phase C: Information System Architecture

For Data and Application Architecture of B.D.A.T .

2 phase in 1:
Define DATA and Application Architecture

The purpose is to :

  • Develop the Target information system architecture
  • Identify candidate architecture roadmap items based on gaps

Phase C — Data Architecture

The purpose is to:

  • Develop the DATA target architecture
  • Candidates architecture roadmap item based on gaps


  • External reference materials
  • Request for architecture work(optional)(preliminary phase)
  • Capability assessment(Phase A)
  • Communication plan(Phase A)
  • Organization model for EA (preliminary phase)
  • Tailored Architecture framework(preliminary phase)
  • Data Principles(TOGAF Specification Chapter 20)
  • Approved statement of Architecture work(Phase A)
  • Architecture vision(Phase A)
  • Architecture Repo
  • Draft Architecture documents and draft requirements(Phase B)
  • Business related Architecture roadmap(Phase B)


  1. Select reference models, viewpoints, and tools
  2. Develop baseline DATA architecture description
  3. Develop target DATA architecture description
  4. Perform Gap analysis
  5. Define Candidate roadmap components
  6. Resolve impacts across the Architecture landscape
  7. Conduct formal stakeholder review
  8. Finalize DATA architecture
  9. Create architecture definition document


  • Refined Phase A deliverable
  • Draft Architecture definition document
    a — Baseline DATA architecture, V1.0
    b — Target DATA architecture, V1.0
  • Draft Architecture requirement specification: Gap Analysis
  • DATA architecture components of Architecture roadmap

Phase C — Application Architecture

The purpose is to:

  • Develop the Application target architecture
  • Candidates architecture roadmap item based on gaps


  1. Select reference models, viewpoints, and tools
  2. Develop baseline Application architecture description
  3. Develop target Application architecture description
  4. Perform Gap analysis
  5. Define Candidate roadmap components
  6. Resolve impacts across the Architecture landscape
  7. Conduct formal stakeholder review
  8. Finalize Application architecture
  9. Create architecture definition document


  • Refined Phase A deliverable
  • Draft Architecture definition document
    a — Baseline Application architecture, V1.0
    b — Target Application architecture, V1.0
  • Draft Architecture requirement specification: Gap Analysis
  • Application architecture components of Architecture roadmap

Phase D: Technology Architecture

The purpose is:

  • Develop the target technology architecture
  • Identify candidate architecture roadmap items based on gaps


  • External reference materials
  • Product information on candidate products(different with Phase B & C)
  • Request for architecture work(optional)(preliminary phase)
  • Capability assessment(Phase A)
  • Communication plan(Phase A)
  • Organization model for EA (preliminary phase)
  • Tailored Architecture framework(preliminary phase)
  • Data Principles(TOGAF Specification Chapter 20)
  • Approved statement of Architecture work(Phase A)
  • Architecture vision(Phase A)
  • Architecture Repo
  • Draft Architecture documents and draft requirements(Phase B)
  • Business related Architecture roadmap(Phase B)


  1. Select reference models, viewpoints, and tools
  2. Develop baseline Technology architecture description
  3. Develop target Technology architecture description
  4. Perform Gap analysis
  5. Define Candidate roadmap components
  6. Resolve impacts across the Architecture landscape
  7. Conduct formal stakeholder review
  8. Finalize Technology architecture
  9. Create architecture definition document


  • Refined Phase A deliverable
  • Draft Architecture definition document
    a — Baseline Technology architecture
    b — Target Technology architecture
  • Draft Architecture requirement specification: Gap Analysis
  • Technology architecture components of Architecture roadmap

Phase E: Opportunities & Solutions

The purpose is to:

  • Generate the initial Architecture roadmap
  • Identify if transition architecture are required
  • Define SBB


  • External reference materials
  • Product information
  • Request for architecture work(optional)(preliminary phase)
  • Capability assessment(Phase A)
  • Communication plan(Phase A)
  • Planning methodologies
  • Organization model for EA (preliminary phase)
  • Tailored Architecture framework(preliminary phase)
  • Approved statement of Architecture work(Phase A)
  • Architecture vision(Phase A)
  • Architecture Repo
  • Draft Architecture documents and draft requirements(B.D.A.T)
  • Change requests for existing business programs and projects
  • Candidate architecture roadmap components


  1. Determine key corporate change attributes
  2. Determine business constraints
  3. Review and considerate gap analysis from Phase B/C/D
  4. Review consolidated requirements across business functions
  5. Consolidate and Reconcile interoperability requirement
  6. Refine and validate dependencies
  7. Confirm readiness and risk for business transformation
  8. Formulate implementation and migration strategy
  9. Identify and group major work package
  10. Identify transition architecture
  11. Create the architecture roadmap & implementation and migration plan


  • Refined phase A deliverable
  • Draft architecture definition document — including baseline and target V1.0
  • Draft architecture requirement specification — including gap analysis
  • Capability assessments
  • Architecture roadmap V0.1
  • Implementation and migration plan V0.1

Phase F: Migration Plan

The purpose is to:

  • Finalize the architecture roadmap and migration plan
  • Ensure migration plan is aligned with enterprise approach to change
  • Ensure business value and business cost of work packages is understood


  • External reference materials
  • Request for architecture work(optional)(preliminary phase)
  • Capability assessment(Phase A)
  • Communication plan(Phase A)
  • Governance models and frameworks
  • Organization model for EA (preliminary phase)
  • Tailored Architecture framework(preliminary phase)
  • Approved statement of Architecture work(Phase A)
  • Architecture vision(Phase A)
  • Architecture Repo
  • Draft Architecture documents and draft requirements(B.D.A.T)
  • Change requests for existing business programs and projects
  • Architecture roadmap V0.1
  • Implementation and migration plan V0.1(Phase E)


  1. Confirm Management framework interactions
  2. Assign a business value to each work package
  3. Estimate resource requirements, projects timing, etc.
  4. Prioritize the migration projects
  5. Confirm architecture roadmap and update architecture definition document
  6. Generate implementation and migration plan
  7. Complete the architecture development cycle, lessons learned


  • Implementation and migration plan, V1.0
  • Finalized architecture definition document
  • Finalized architecture requirements
  • Finalized architecture roadmap
  • Reusable architecture building blocks(ABBs)
  • Requests for architecture work for next ADM cycle (if any)
  • Implementation of governance model
  • Change requests for architecture capability from lessons learned

Phase G: Implementation Governance

The purpose is to:

  • Ensure conformance
  • Perform architecture governance


  • External reference materials
  • Request for architecture work(optional)(preliminary phase)
  • Capability assessment(Phase A)
  • Organization model for EA (preliminary phase)
  • Tailored Architecture framework(preliminary phase)
  • Approved statement of Architecture work(Phase A)
  • Architecture vision(Phase A)
  • Architecture Repo
  • Architecture definition documents and requirements(B.D.A.T)
  • Architecture roadmap V1.0(Phase F)
  • Implementation governance model
  • Architecture contract
  • Request for architecture work for next ADM cycle (Phase F)
  • Implementation and migration plan, V1.0(Phase F)


  1. Confirm scope and priorities for deployment
  2. Identify Deployment resources and skills
  3. Guide development of solutions deployment
  4. Perform EA compliance reviews
  5. Implement business and IT operations
  6. Perform Post-implementation review and close the implementation


  • Architecture contract
    “ — joint agreements between development partners and sponsors on the deliverables, quality and fitness-for-purpose of an architecture”

Read chapter 43 of the TOGAF 9.2 specification

  1. Compliance assessments
  2. Change requests
  3. Architecture-compliant solutions deployed

Phase H: Architecture Change Management

The purpose is to:

  • Maintain architecture lifecycle
  • Execute architecture governance
  • Maintain architecture capability


  • External reference materials
  • Request for architecture work(optional)(preliminary phase)
  • Organization model for EA (preliminary phase)
  • Tailored Architecture framework(preliminary phase)
  • Approved statement of Architecture work(Phase A)
  • Architecture vision(Phase A)
  • Architecture Repo
  • Architecture definition documents and requirements(B.D.A.T)
  • Architecture roadmap (Phase F)
  • Change requests — Tech/Business changes, lesson learned
  • Implementation governance model
  • Architecture contract(Phase G)
  • Implementation and migration plan, V1.0(Phase F)


  1. Establish value realization process
  2. Deploy monitoring tools
  3. Manage risks
  4. Provide analysis for architecture chnage management
  5. Develop change requirements to meet performance targets
  6. Manage governance process
  7. Activate the process to implement change


  • Architecture update(maintenance)
  • Change to architecture framework and principle(maintenance)
  • New request for architecture work (for major changes)
  • Statement of architecture work(updated if necessary)
  • Architecture contract(updated if necessary)
  • Compliance assessments(updated if necessary)




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